New Me :(

Hi Fellow Fibromyalgia Sufferers

I’m in my 5th year after the Fibromyalgia diagnosis!
My life has been turned upside down and over the years I’ve been at my lowest lows with glimpses of light .
I was in a Motör vehicle accident and had a severe case of whiplash, concussion and torn meniscus etc.
After 14 months of unrelenting widespread pain I was finally sent to a pain specialist who diagnosed the Fibromyalgia. I also have osteoarthritis since I was young which is accelerated in my lower lumbar by 15 years . I’m in my early 60’s and my back is approximately 75 .
My husband does most of the household work and it kills me to see how much he has to do now.
Making our bed can put me to bed.
A shower wears me out !
Fatigue is a daily thing . Pain is chronic and off the charts .
A5/35 is the only rub that helps and lots of meds . I’m never without pain.
Now after saying all of this I want u all to know I’m Not looking for pity just Help and comrades to fight this Horrid syndrome!
Let’s be Warriors together and not give this monster the win!
Anyone who can help me and want to talk please let me know ! Thanks Dianne

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by: Anne

Hi Dianne,

Welcome warrior!

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