
by Mary
(Peoria AZ)

Hi, I think I am excited to find this site. I need a place to vent, to have my Pity Party for One... I am so confused. How did this happen? What happened to the last 2 years of my life??? I lost my father in May and I cannot believe that he is gone, I think of him everyday, pretty much all day long. I miss him so much. I am so hung up on this and it just creates a nightmare because my Fibro flares when I start to mourn him. So I bottle it up because I can't deal with the pain. I am a mess, this is just the tip of my iceberg. Thanks for listening.


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I understand
by: Anonymous

We all need to vent and share our stories. I grieve with you for the loss of your father. I have had 15 years of (diagnosed) severe fibromyalgia, and have lost both my mother and my father. I lost my mother 2 years ago and my father 14 years ago, and it still hurts.

Fibromyalgia loves to tell us to take care of ourselves both inside and outside, and that may be why you are having flares. It can sometimes be a dictator, but it can also communicate when we need to care for ourselves. Perhaps this is what is going on.

When my mother died, I met an extraordinary person who suggested that I write to my mother. She had just died, and I kept reaching for the phone to call her, only to remember there was no one to call. I started writing letters to her in a journal, not believing it would really help. Yet it did! I stopped internalizing about it, my husband didn't have to hear about it everyday, and I found that I had a new way to let myself grieve.

My heart goes out to you as I remember what it has been like to lose a parent. If I could, I would wrap you in a warm fuzzy blanket, give you a cup of tea, and sit by your side just to be there with you. Since we are online, and I can't do it in person, I hope you will imagine me doing this. You are not alone.
Gentle hugs,

en réponse à cette dame
by: Anonymous

Tu n'es pas un gachis , mais perdre un être chair est très difficile a supporter et tu es tombée dans une dépression profonde. As tu été traité pour cela avant l'apparition de la fibromyalgie ? Faire appel à un neuropsychiatre est là pour t'aider et bien te prendre en charge car tu dois trouver un thérapeute de confiance et as tu fais tous les examens pour exclure d'autres cause que la fibromyalgie .......
J'aimerai que tous les jours , tu arrive à exprimer ce que tu ressens au défunt , lui dire tout ce que tu as sur le coeur , dis-toi qu'il t'entend et que lui es aussi triste de te voir ainsi . Ne le fais qu'en compagnie d'un thérapeute, seule je ne te le conseille pas pour le moment .
Je te remercie pour ton partage et te souhaite bonne chance et si tu as besoin de parler , je peux t'écouter malgrés aussi la maladie et je suis toujours tenue au secret professionnel .

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